In fact honda supra x 125 PGM-Fi is proven super tough and economical.
This is evident because of my own users, my bike has four this year, but usually I often replace the motor because it is less suitable with my profile is like touring.
engine maintenance is also very simple and easy, simply by replacing Olie per km 2000 (standard distance).
I have a problem that makes me uncomfortable, when a cold motor takes time for the stationary bike, but when gas Stelan added when hot engine high rpm once on a stationary machine.
After I observe in the end I decided to replace the spark plug motorcycle spark plugs, the result is stationary stable during cold or hot engine.
Motorcycle honda supra x 125 PGM-FI is a honda motor output of sophisticated products, also includes balancing the sensor, the sensor is located under the front seat, its function as a safety if the motor falls or accidents, the engine will die at the angle 30 ° and will be turned on again after motor upheld at intervals of about 10 minutes.
One of the sophisticated components honda supra x 125 PGM-FI is a thermo detect other components located at the bottom of the cylinder block, this component serves as an automatic chuck, how it works is when a cold engine controller in circuit injectors, fuel consumption will be a lot cooler engine / intensive (such as chuck function), but it works automatically and lasts for a moment, after the engine in a slightly warm or hot, fuel consumption will be normal again.
My experience honda supra x 125 PGM-FI is in new condition 1 liter/80km, very efficient in the use of standard time.
Also fuel line scheme honda supra x 125 PGM-FI is not the same as a motorcycle carburetor.
If the carburetor engine of a gasoline tank - filter - faucet - carburetor.
In certain locations the carburetor motor and the order that is not the same.
But if the motor honda supra x 125 PGM-FI is not the same as on a motorcycle carburetor follows: gas tank - filter - gas station - petrol Swit - pressure pipes - nozle / injector.
Motor component injection sequence similar to the car in general.
As for the function, filter to filter or avoid the incoming fuel from waste droppings.
Gas Station - on this bike uses gasoline pumps located under the seat next to the gas tank, so fuel does not flow naturally like the carburetor motor.
This pump works characterized by sound bib at the time of contact on the first position, and will die if the pressure in the pipe is enough gasoline, and will read or work again when the motor is turned on.
Swit pressure - this serves as a supply pressure regulator on the fuel injectors, the pump will die if he has the pressure of excess fuel. Swit has control on the speedometer dasbort F1''dengan color indicator.''
When the injector pressure is less in control light stays on when contacted.
Pipe - as a liaison between the fuel pump and injector.
Because the fuel has a pressure to use the pipe, unlike the motorcycle carburetor hose.
Injector - This serves as a means of spraying fuel in the engine. injector has 3 holes that are very soft.

With high pressure and a very small hole is expected to complete and efficient combustion.
It may still be discussed if there would be added.
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